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    Creators' App

    A message is displayed: [Unpair on both the camera and your smartphone, and then reconnect.]

    If a message such as this is displayed in Creators' App, you will need to delete the camera and smartphone connection information. Follow the steps below.

    1. On the camera MENU select (Network) → [Bluetooth] → [Manage Paired Device], and if your smartphone is listed, delete it.
    2. Connected cameras are listed in [Settings] on the smartphone. If your camera is listed, delete it.
      • The wording of the display varies depending on the smartphone (device connections, connected devices, Bluetooth, previously connected devices, etc.).
      • The deletion method varies depending on the smartphone, but in most cases you can tap (Settings) or (Information) to the right of the camera name.
        iPhone Bluetooth screen. There is an information icon to the right of the camera listing.
      • If the same camera is listed multiple times, delete all instances.
    3. Follow the instructions in "Connecting the camera to Creators' App" to connect the camera to Creators' App.